For most records, our professional opinion is that lacquers are the best medium for cutting audio. However, for those who desire DMM, we do offer this service.
All audio files must be professionally mastered for vinyl. Additionally, the following specifications apply for all DMM (not lacquer) cuts:
- -mastered on +/- odB
- -no heights above 16 kHz
- -deep cut at 10Hz
- -deeps less 300 Hz in mono
- -no phasings or negative phaseturns, stereo image between +0.5 and +1
Note: if these specifications were not taken into account on submitted audio files (again, for DMM cuts only, not lacquers), the audio files will be corrected in the production process even if this leads to changes in the sound of the program material.
DMM cuts are offered as a “one way” service — GGR cannot offer any recompense if the resulting audio quality is not as desired when DMM is used as the cutting source instead of lacquers, and any requested recutting of DMM sides will require additional charges. Please contact us at (800) 295-0171 to discuss before making your final decision regarding DMM.